Shearling coats – 12 STOREEZ

Shearling Coat Care Guide

For our shearling coats, we use sheepskin with minimal processing to preserve its natural softness, suppleness, and breathability. With the right care, shearling garments can last you many years — see the most important recommendations in our care guide.

  • Leather is sensitive to moisture — rain and snow can leave stains on its surface. Try not to wear your shearling garment in wet weather, and if it does get wet, dry it in a warm, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and heat sources.
  • You can remove water marks, dust, and minor stains with a special soft-bristled brush. Once the garment is completely dry, gently clean the affected areas with gentle circular motions.
  • To prevent the leather from stretching, use wide hangers. Store your shearling garment in a breathable or perforated garment bag, away from direct sunlight and heat.
  • For major stains, take the garment to a dry cleaner specialising in fur and leather. Request that the staff remove or protect any hardware before cleaning.